
Heartbeat support
£1 does amazing things Heartbeat

Heartbeat exists to ensure that people being treated at the Wessex Cardiac Centre are provided with the best possible care and support. Cardiac treatment is often a very long and complicated journey, affecting many people in separate ways; their work over the years has allowed them to ensure that everybody, from patients to friends and relatives will be supported every step of the way.

Since 1992, Heartbeat has put in place crucial improvements in the Wessex Cardiac Centre, that wouldn’t otherwise have happened; the same improvements that patients, their relatives, doctors, nurses, and many others, consistently tell them make a real difference.

By playing the lottery you are helping Heartbeat support people like Alex.

Read his story

World Heart Day: Alex’s Story


Draw closes in:
02 Days
13 Hrs
06 Min
36 Sec

Did you know

  • They support up to 23 families a day.
  • They fund many pioneering projects on the Wessex Cardiac Unit.
  • They provide grants for equipment, education, and medical research.

From your very first game, you will be helping Heartbeat raise vital funds that will go back into the community. Some examples of what your contribution could help pay for are:

How to play

Each entry to the draw costs £1. Our draws are run every week of the year, usually on a Friday. You can either set up a subscription to provide your chosen charity with a regular and reliable income, every week of the year, or you can play as and when you want to, whatever suits you best!

  • Step 1

    Choose how many weekly entries you want to play. It’s only £1 per play!

  • Step 2

    Provide your payment details. Direct Debit or Debit Card.

  • Step 3

    Sit back and wait to see if you have won. You can also check online after every draw!

Registered Charity Number: 1116510 www.heartbeat.co.uk