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Check our weekly lottery results

21 March 2025

This week's winners are displayed below:
Draw date: 21st March 2025

£1000779330WEST MALLINGBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£200825780BRIDGENDTenovus Cancer Care
£10136528COLCHESTERColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£10138839HARWICHColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£10143257CANTERBURYBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£10149831COLCHESTERColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£10234558ADDLESTONEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£10500277BIRKENHEADBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£10591523BUCKLEYTenovus Cancer Care
£10951244LONDONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£514115ROMFORDRSPCA Essex South, Southend & District
£522933CHELMSFORDMid & North East Essex Mind
£552037LONDONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£558178CRAWLEYBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£562677LONDONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£564649BEXLEYHEATHBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£567790GILLINGHAMThe Medway Hospital Charity
£594728BEVERLEYBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5110730GRAYSBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5111033CHATHAMThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5124635CHATHAMBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5125147CREDITONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5126007ROCHESTERThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5126191CHATHAMThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5126929IPSWICHColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5128446SITTINGBOURNEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5129695SOUTHWOLDColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5130067ROCHESTERThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5130679WREXHAMTenovus Cancer Care
£5130947GILLINGHAMThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5130956LONDONThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5132402GILLINGHAMThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5132639DOVERBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5132708CLACTON-ON-SEAColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5133864CHATHAMThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5133948ROCHESTERThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5135068IPSWICHColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5135744CRAWLEYBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5136313CARDIFFTenovus Cancer Care
£5137210SHEERNESSThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5137698SITTINGBOURNEThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5138507LLANELLITenovus Cancer Care
£5138949GILLINGHAMThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5139825MANNINGTREEColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5140010CHATHAMThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5140201STOWMARKETColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5140774IPSWICHColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5140908STOWMARKETColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5141436DARTFORDBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5142975RUSHDENBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5143073STOWMARKETColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5144166SHEERNESSThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5144238ROCHESTERThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5144722QUEENBOROUGHThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5144869GILLINGHAMThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5144880SUDBURYColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5145667MALDONColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5145755IPSWICHColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5145791NEATHBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5145899SWANSEATenovus Cancer Care
£5146954LLANELLITenovus Cancer Care
£5147100SHEERNESSBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5147279CLACTON-ON-SEAColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5147521PORT TALBOTTenovus Cancer Care
£5147617CHATHAMThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5147634COLCHESTERColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5149381IPSWICHColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5149432GILLINGHAMThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5151175FOLKESTONEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5152044IPSWICHColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5160706CHATHAMThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5161063ELLESMERE PORTBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5163381NORTHAMPTONAge UK Northamptonshire
£5169913NORTHAMPTONAge UK Northamptonshire
£5190143KINGSWINFORDNewlife, The Charity for Disabled Children
£5194507IPSWICHColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5203692POOLEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5223853IPSWICHColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5227854COLCHESTERColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5229782FELIXSTOWEColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5234041WOKINGBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5237409LYMINGTONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5248842CHELMSFORDAge Well East
£5257427BRAINTREEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5268916LONGFIELDBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5280065CHISLEHURSTBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5284396FOLKESTONEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5284475CHATHAMThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5288554GRAVESENDColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5294984SHEERNESSThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5307251LONDONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5309447CANTERBURYBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5344515GRAVESENDBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5367114ST. HELENSBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5426300WELWYN GARDEN CITYBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5443310CHATHAMThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5444205BROMLEYBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5475265WEST BROMWICHNewlife, The Charity for Disabled Children
£5490379IPSWICHColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5503099WATFORDBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5512726IPSWICHColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5519152IPSWICHColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5521260CROYDONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5525193ERITHBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5533328BILLERICAYBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5542016LONDONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5559999POTTERS BARBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5570951BILLINGSHURSTBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5576604WHITSTABLEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5607411POOLEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5608318CANTERBURYThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5633029ASHFORDBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5644020FELIXSTOWEColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5651228FELIXSTOWEColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5660762CLACTON-ON-SEAColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5678029SEVENOAKSBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5683478ASHFORDBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5689080MAIDSTONEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5691164WOKINGBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5704786PETERBOROUGHHead to Toe Charity
£5707966HOUGHTON REGISBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5709656SEVENOAKSBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5712337HERNE BAYBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5713331COLCHESTERColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5714856WATFORDBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5715006POOLEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5724817BEXHILL ON SEABlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5737728HERNE BAYBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5741769WOKINGBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5755511HELSTONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5756640ORPINGTONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5756649CHATHAMBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5756762SITTINGBOURNEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5758152QUEENBOROUGHBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5758477WOKINGBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5758933FOLKESTONEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5760013HERNE BAYBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5763421COLCHESTERAge Well East
£5764132ST. ASAPHTenovus Cancer Care
£5765794HOLYWELLTenovus Cancer Care
£5766273STANFORD-LE-HOPEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5767196FOLKESTONEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5768081FAIR OAKHeartbeat
£5768313ORPINGTONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5768594GWYNEDDTenovus Cancer Care
£5770070CARDIFFTenovus Cancer Care
£5770256NEW FORESTHeartbeat
£5770406BRIDGENDTenovus Cancer Care
£5770688WESTGATE-ON-SEABlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5771031MUMBLESTenovus Cancer Care
£5772628SIBLE HEDINGHAMColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5772972KENFIG HILLTenovus Cancer Care
£5774602TONBRIDGEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5775984WHITSTABLEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5776948NEWPORTTenovus Cancer Care
£5778808NORTHAMPTONAge UK Northamptonshire
£5779309ABERGELETenovus Cancer Care
£5780122CROYDONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5784266WOODBRIDGEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5785503BEXLEYHEATHBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5788139MAIDSTONEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5788177MAIDSTONEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5789132MACHYNLLETHTenovus Cancer Care
£5789364OXTEDBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5790877RAMSGATEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5792538ORPINGTONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5792875LLANISHENTenovus Cancer Care
£5793304HERNE BAYBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5793507SURBITONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5794137LONDONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5794295DOVERBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5795501BARTON ON SEAHeartbeat
£5795584WAUNFAWRTenovus Cancer Care
£5796598ISLE OF WIGHTHeartbeat
£5797242COULSDONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5797565HERNE BAYBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5798967PONTYPRIDDTenovus Cancer Care
£5799105RAMSGATEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5799160COLCHESTERColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5799952LLANELLITenovus Cancer Care
£5800941BILDESTONColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5801222FAVERSHAMBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5801753ABERGAVENNYTenovus Cancer Care
£5803216CARDIFFTenovus Cancer Care
£5803311CARDIFFTenovus Cancer Care
£5805737OXTEDBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5808585COLCHESTERBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5808661ST. ASAPHTenovus Cancer Care
£5809604HERNE BAYBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5809700KINGSTON UPON THAMESBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5810674ROMNEY MARSHBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5810963FOLKESTONEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5811453SITTINGBOURNEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5811730BRIGHTONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5811735IPSWICHColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5811781COLCHESTERAge Well East
£5814231PETERBOROUGHHead to Toe Charity
£5815259IPSWICHColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5815746ROCHESTERBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5815805EAST SUFFOLKColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5816770OXTEDBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5817399WHITSTABLEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5819744EAST SUFFOLKColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5820396WESTGATE-ON-SEABlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5827455BEXLEYHEATHBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5827856LLANGOLLENTenovus Cancer Care
£5828135BROADSTAIRSBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5828894BASSALEGTenovus Cancer Care
£5828921LONDONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5832125ALTONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5832371BOGNOR REGISBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5834039FOLKESTONEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5834248GILLINGHAMBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5835200ASHFORDBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5835582LONDONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5836908EBBW VALETenovus Cancer Care
£5838001RHOSLLANERCHRUGOGTenovus Cancer Care
£5838592COLCHESTERColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5839857SITTINGBOURNEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5841959CARDIFFTenovus Cancer Care
£5842003NORWICHBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5843288CHELMSFORDMid & North East Essex Mind
£5844568TONBRIDGEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5844654FOLKESTONEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5847504TREFNANTTenovus Cancer Care
£5848775GREAT YARMOUTHRSPCA East Norfolk
£5849538FOLKESTONEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5870053IPSWICHColchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity
£5878811ELYHead to Toe Charity
£5880829DEESIDETenovus Cancer Care
£5882928CANNOCKNewlife, The Charity for Disabled Children
£5896911DEALBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5897257BURGESS HILLBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5900873HORSHAMBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5908067CANTERBURYBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5912748WELWYNBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5917208CHELMSFORDMid & North East Essex Mind
£5923258BATHBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5925744ERITHBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5927586ORPINGTONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5933940MAIDSTONEBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5934148LONDONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5941709WELWYNBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5973272SEVENOAKSBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5982058HALSTEADBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5990300SEVENOAKSBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£5992387CHATHAMThe Medway Hospital Charity
£5994863LONDONBlesma, The Limbless Veterans
£51501832SITTINGBOURNEThe Medway Hospital Charity
£51502189LONDONLondon Ambulance Charity

How to play

Each entry to the draw costs £1. Our draws are run every week of the year, usually on a Friday. You can either set up a subscription to provide your chosen charity with a regular and reliable income, every week of the year, or you can play as and when you want to, whatever suits you best!

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    Choose how many weekly entries you want to play. It’s only £1 per play!

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    Provide your payment details. Direct Debit or Debit Card.

  • Step 3

    Sit back and wait to see if you have won. You can also check online after every draw!