Draw closes in:
02 Days
13 Hrs
06 Min
36 Sec
This week's rollover is £18,000
The economic crisis has cast a long, dark shadow over the lives of many. This winter we are all feeling the pinch with the additional costs we are facing. However, we are not the only ones struggling with these increased costs, the RSPCA, is bracing itself for an unprecedented winter crisis.
The RSPCA have revealed a huge rise in animal abandonment’s in Surrey. This has caused grave concern as the already bursting rescue centres are at risk of not having space for the animals most in need.
Our RSPCA partners work tirelessly to help the animals that are brought into their care, often in distressing circumstances. Last year we shared numerous stories that saw abandoned animals cared for and going on to find loving homes.
Bobby and Gizmo didn’t have the easiest start in life. They were both part of a litter of kittens that were abandoned and found by a policeman late last year. Abandoned by the side of the river in a soggy box, the policeman was heartbroken to find the poor kittens left alone.
Due to the terrible conditions in which they were left, the two kittens were in an awful state when they were found. They both had eye infections and severe cat flu. The kittens were given to the RSPCA East Norfolk Branch to be nursed back to health.
As time progressed, they crossed many hurdles in their recovery. But sadly, they would be blind for the rest of their lives. In order for them to fully recover, Bobby had to have both eyes removed and Gizmo had to have one removed.
Last year on a quiet, semi-rural lane, a distressed young Cocker Spaniel was found. Heavily pregnant, struggling to breathe, and shockingly emaciated with an obvious infection. Violet was abandoned and left to suffer. Her fate hung in the balance until a passerby intervened. Without this compassionate individual, her story might have taken a tragically different turn.
This young Cocker Spaniel, later named Violet, was found collapsed and on the brink of death. The kind passerby, acted swiftly and brought her to a vet where the extent of her suffering became painfully clear. In severe distress, Violet was struggling with labour, and it was discovered that all her puppies had sadly died, with one stuck in her birth canal. A foul-smelling infection had taken hold, and she was emaciated beyond belief.
The veterinary team, in collaboration with the RSPCA Essex South, Southend and District Branch, embarked on a mission to save Violet. Rushed into surgery, the odds were stacked against her. With the deceased puppy removed and intensive care provided, Violet defied the grim prognosis. Though her recovery was bumpy, she was provided rehabilitation in a foster home.
When Autumn was found, she was brought to our RSPCA partner. There, the dedicated staff quickly assessed her condition and provided medical attention. Sadly, her leg was broken, and a severe infection had developed. The only option was to amputate if she were to have any hope of a happy, healthy life.
The RSPCA East Norfolk Branch rely on the generosity of the local community to provide their funding. Recognising the urgency of Autumn's situation, they not only took Autumn under their wing but also initiated a fundraising campaign to cover the costs of the operation.
They shared her story with their generous Facebook supporters in the hopes of raising the funds needed to pay for the little kitten’s lifesaving operation. The response was overwhelming, as people came together to support Autumn's cause.
With the funds raised, Autumn underwent a successful surgery to repair her injured leg. The skilled veterinarians provided her with the best possible care during her recovery. Giving this innocent kitten a second chance at life.
Even under the horrific circumstances, thankfully all these unbelievably cases have a ended up with happy ending. All of them have found comfort and love with their new families in their forever home. Thanks to the exceptional rehabilitation an care provided by our RSPCA partners.
Under the challenging financial circumstances, with the rise in animal abandonment, the RPSCA is urging pet owners who are struggling to come forward if they are in need of help.
With the winter months causing a higher risk of even more animals finding themselves in a similar distressing situation. Will the same happy ending still be the reality for the animals in desperate need of their care in the coming months?
The RSPCA rely on the goodness of the local community to continue providing their life saving services. Without this support they simply will not be able to continue caring for these defenceless animals. With more and more animals facing abandonment, it is imperative we help secure their future.
No matter how helpless the situation may seem. You can help them secure their future. By playing make a smile lottery for only £1 per week, you are giving our RSPCA partners and income that they can rely on.
This will enable them to continue providing excellent care to the poor animals who face the unimaginable in the years to come.