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Would you ever leave a defenceless kitten in a box by the river?
You will be surprised at just how many people do. With the current economic crisis, people who have become desperate and can no longer afford to eat, often feel like there is no other option.
Tuesday 8th August marks International Cat Day 2023. A day uniting cat lovers from around the world to celebrate our beloved furry companions who bring us joy, comfort, and charm. But it is also a time to raise awareness about the importance of their care. With times growing increasingly challenging, it is vital to ensure cats are being cared for, or help is asked for before doing the unthinkable.
To commemorate this day, we are shining a spotlight on some of our RSPCA charity partners. The RSPCA East Norfolk Branch work tirelessly to ensure that all cats and kittens brought to it because of neglect, ill-treatment or because they are no longer wanted are given the best possible care before being re-homed.
With the current economic crisis, the branch has been inundated with cats and kittens. We are sharing the story of Bobby and Gizmo.
Bobby and Gizmo are two beautiful black kittens, who did not have the easiest start in life.
They were both part of a litter of kittens that were abandonded found by a policeman late last year. Abandoned by the side of the river in a soggy box, the policeman was heart broken to find the poor kittens left alone.
Due to the terrible conditions in which they were left, the two kittens were in an awful state when they were found. They both had eye infections and severe cat flu. The kittens were given to the RSPCA East Norfolk Branch to be nursed back to health.
As time progressed, they crossed many hurdles in their recovery. But sadly, they would be blind for the rest of their lives. In order for them to fully recover, Bobby had to have both eyes removed and Gizmo had to have one removed.
After taking the time to fully recover, the branch was able to find them both a loving forever home, where they are now living their best life. A far stretch from their earlier struggles.
Their beloved cat mum was overjoyed to home them both.
“Bobby is a pillow sleeper, especially if that pillow has a human head on it for him to cuddle! Gizmo doesn't pat a face with a paw now, he just goes straight in for full on head butt kisses. They are both a pair of cuddle monsters.
They have their guardian, best friend Nellie our dog, who protects them and plays with them equally!
They are the happiest boys ever, they love a good roustabout together, from one end of the living room to the other, and how they both manage to climb shelves without actually knocking anything off we really don’t know?
I am the luckiest person alive to be able to care for these two wonderful kittens!”
This story is sadly not out of the ordinary for the RSPCA. They see cases like this every day.
Our RSPCA Mid Norfolk and North Suffolk Branch partner have had to tackle this issue head on. Every year thousands of kittens are born in the wild without veterinary care or homes, leaving them open to disease and predators. Their fantastic Animal Welfare Team goes out to sites around Norfolk and Suffolk, rescuing cats and kittens that can be found homes for whilst neutering and releasing those that prefer to be feral. You can see some of the cats being released in the video below, as you can see they are very keen to be back out in the wild!
By helping pet owners to neuter their cats, this will result in approximately 652,288 unwanted kittens from being born over the next five years and protect hundreds of cats from disease and struggle.
Responsible pet ownership is such a huge issue the RSPCA face, as they must pick up the pieces when owners can no longer take care of their pets. If you have a cat, neutering is so important to ensure there are no more unwanted kittens being born.
International Cat Day serves as a reminder to address these key issues. Always think before you take on the commitment of a pet, and if you are no longer in a financial position to look after them, always seek for help.
For more information on their incredible work visit their websites below.