Draw closes in:
02 Days
13 Hrs
06 Min
36 Sec
This week's rollover is £17,000
How do you want to start the New Year?
Do you want to kick off the New Year by giving something back?
Whilst many people are looking to overhaul their bodies with the latest diet and exercise craze, you can overhaul your spirit by doing something that makes a real impact within your local community.
Signing up to play the lottery in the New Year and doing good for the whole of 2023 is a great way to start. You can play the lottery for as little as £1 per game, per week, to support a new charity that needs your help desperately! Playing the lottery is a great way help others and contribute to your local community so they don’t have to suffer. A small donation of a monthly direct debit, can do just that.
Supporting a cause close to your heart on a monthly basis is a vital source of regular income for charities and your £1 per play is essential.
Giving something back where you want to give care or provide a positive impact is a great way to know you have made a great impact in your local community.
Did you know that when you play make a smile lottery, you have a 1 in 213 chance of winning a prize every week? That’s a much higher chance than with the national lottery and you choose what charity YOU want to support and where your money goes!
You can make a positive impact and do something good for just £1 a week AND have great odds at winning a prize. That’s not so hard to do, is it?
Make a difference and sign up today.