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This week's rollover is £18,000
In early 2018, Shannon Bestwick, a 30-year-old wedding planner from Derbyshire, found out during her 20-week scan that her son, Ronnie, was affected by congenital heart disease. She learned that her son had heart displacement. At the time, her consultants and doctors were uncertain what this meant for Ronnie.
“The second half of my pregnancy was very stressful and highly emotional as we awaited the arrival of our boy, unsure of exactly what the future would hold.”
Ronnie was delivered at 37 weeks when he was diagnosed with five serious heart conditions that required urgent care. He spent his first week in NICU, before transferring to a different hospital where he spent the next six weeks of his life as he underwent two major heart surgeries.
“When I had him, it was really tough because he was placed in the NICU, and I was sent away without my baby. I really struggled because he just didn't feel like my baby. Someone else had looked after him for such a long time, we had missed out on the newborn stage. It was hard to adapt, especially since he was on lots of medication at that time.
"It's hard when your child is unwell; you just want to take their pain away. I think we were underprepared for how hard it was to see him go through the surgery. But taking him down to put him to sleep - nothing can prepare you for that.”
Today, Ronnie is a brave little five-year-old in year one at school.
“He’s a really happy, boisterous little boy. Although he is happy and healthy, his medical journey isn’t over. He will be monitored by his doctors for the foreseeable future. We’ve explained to him that he has a special heart, and nothing fazes him, even during doctor visits and scans - he just takes it in his stride.”
Shannon is committed to fighting heart diseases in support of her son and all the incredible people who helped save his life. Dedicating herself to fundraising for Heart Research UK, she aims to show Ronnie the importance of giving back.
Heart Research UK are committed to taking on heart diseases and keeping those we love around for longer. They want to fund lifesaving medical research into the prevention, treatment, and cure of heart diseases. To enable people across the UK to keep their hearts healthy.
“I just think it’s such an important message to give Ronnie. But for myself selfishly as well that I just want to be able to give something back. I would feel so good to know that I’ve helped them, how they’ve helped me.”
Like Shannon, you can contribute to the next lifesaving breakthrough. By participating in make a smile lottery for Heart Research UK, you can save more children like Ronnie. Your generous support empowers the future of research, transforming lives across the UK.
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