Draw closes in:
02 Days
13 Hrs
06 Min
36 Sec
This week's rollover is £17,000
We can’t think of a better day of the year than our birthday. For just one day of the year it’s all about you!
You get to open cards and presents, and of course blow out the candles on the delicious birthday cake!
With all that fun, how could the day possibly get better?
Well, for Michelle it did. Michelle got an extra special surprise on her big day. Not only did she get to experience the typical joys that come with a birthday. She won £10 with make a smile lottery!
She was ecstatic when she found out that she had won a prize exclaiming:
“It’s my birthday today so was chuffed to received the email about my £10 win!”
Michelle plays the lottery to support Blesma. A charity that supports limbless veterans across the UK. So, the real winners are the people that they support. Michelle’s weekly plays help Blesma raise vital funds that enable them to provide the care and support they do. Without her help, they wouldn’t be able to have an income that they can rely on.
£1 per week doesn’t sound like a lot, but it can really go a long way.
Why not see if you could be a winner like Michelle?
Click the button to sign up below!